During the making of my Thief fan missions I created quite a lot of custom content (objects, AIs, textures, sounds).
It'd be a bit of a waste to let these assets gather dust on my hard disk now, so I put many of them on this page for you to download and use in your own missions.
If you do, a mention in the credits would be nice.
If you'd like to use something from my missions that you can't find here, just let me know.
These are Lost City variants of the common Thief buttons and levers.
This is the Lost City equivalent of Thief's standard lockbox. Comes with the fitting key.
An Art Deco wall lamp I used for the Keeper compound in Broken Triad's second mission.
A bellows for getting your fire going and any other odd use you might think of.
There are four different versions in the zip (from fully open to fully closed) which you can use to make the bellows open and close via Tweqs.
I figured if they had roulette in Thief, they might as well have blackjack (the game, not Garrett's sleep-inducing weapon). Here's a blue felted version, keeping in style with the roulette table, for your FM's casino.